domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2013

Thanksgiving Day 28th november 2013

Next thursday 28th november 2013 Thanksgiving day will be celebrated in USA but it has also become a festival all around the world. To learn more about the history of this celebration and the life and  conditions of the pilgrims click on the picture.

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Halloween is coming

Everybody knows Halloween and enjoys wearing costumes on 31st October. Although I'm not very fond of it. Here you are a link to learn more about it and practise with the exercises below. Source: British Council for teens.

Here you are a  Halloween classic song by Wade Denning and Kay Lande.

martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Trinity College examinations

  • ISE 0 is at level A2, the second stage of the Basic User level of the CEFR
  • ISE I is at level B1, the first stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE II is at level B2, the second stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE III is at level C1, the first stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR
  • ISE IV is at level C2, the second stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR
Some students of the school  passed successfully the examinations of the ISE I in the  last two school years. 
The components of the exams are three:

Here you have the percentages for each component of ISE I and ISE II.

If you want more information about these examinations , ask your teacher in class.