martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Trinity College examinations

  • ISE 0 is at level A2, the second stage of the Basic User level of the CEFR
  • ISE I is at level B1, the first stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE II is at level B2, the second stage of the Independent User level of the CEFR
  • ISE III is at level C1, the first stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR
  • ISE IV is at level C2, the second stage of the Proficient User level of the CEFR
Some students of the school  passed successfully the examinations of the ISE I in the  last two school years. 
The components of the exams are three:

Here you have the percentages for each component of ISE I and ISE II.

If you want more information about these examinations , ask your teacher in class.

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